Teeth whitening

Many people strive for a perfect smile by undergoing a teeth whitening treatment. Teeth become white and beautiful after the treatment. As we will discuss on this page, there are many ways and methods to perform the treatment.

The following video shows Dr. Uriel Avidan, the medical director of the Estetic Medical Center, explaining teeth whitening.

What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

As mentioned, teeth whitening results in a perfect smile! Teeth are naturally white, but over time, and with the consumption of substances like caffeine, alcohol, and smoking, they may lose their white color and become yellow in an unsightly manner. It is also possible for the teeth to turn black in some cases. Usually, the darkening of teeth is caused by tooth decay, cavities, or bacteria. Yellowing and darkening of teeth can be remedied with a teeth whitening treatment.

Is there a time when teeth whitening is not recommended?

Natural teeth are the only teeth that benefit from teeth whitening treatments. In other words, those with white fillings, porcelain crowns, etc., can indeed undergo a teeth whitening treatment, but they will not achieve aesthetic results since only the natural parts of the teeth will be whitening, while crowns and fillings will remain their original color, creating an uneven color condition.

How is teeth whitening treatment performed?

There are two main ways to whiten teeth, one at the dentist’s office and one at home.

Clinic treatments are carried out under the supervision of the dentist to ensure the best results. A whitening agent (which comes in varying concentrations between 10%-35%) is applied to the teeth and activated by a light source (laser, halogen, etc.) in order to whiten them. There is a higher risk of tissue damage with this procedure, but it is more accurate and faster.

Teeth whitening brace – self-whitening kits

The kits can be purchased at pharmacies or obtained from the attending dentist:

-Self-purchased products are effective for standard cases, but they are not always completely effective because they are not tailored to the patient’s jaw.

– On the other hand, there are home kits for teeth whitening that are purchased individually at the dentist, when the treatment itself is carried out at home, without professional assistance. The personalization of these kits makes them very useful and efficient.

Other teeth whitening treatments include injecting whitening materials into the teeth and more.

If you want to achieve the best results with teeth whitening, you should consult a dentist before choosing the method.

Would you like to have a perfect smile?

Contact Dr. Uriel Avidan today for a free consultation!

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